How to send videos on Discord using your computer
Foto: Isabella Paoletto/Business InsiderDepending on your membership tier, videos you send on Discord have to be within certain size and file type parameters.
- You can send videos on Discord easily, as long as they’re an appropriate file size.
- When you send videos on Discord, they are automatically embedded into the chat.
- Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
Video links sent on Discord, like from YouTube, will automatically embed when you send them.
You can also send video files in Discord, as long as it’s the appropriate file type, and small enough file size. With a basic Discord account you can send files up to 8 MB in size; with a Nitro account, you can send up to 50 MB in file size.
Here’s how to do it on your Mac or PC.
Check out the products mentioned in this article:
MacBook Pro (From $1,299.99 at Best Buy)
Lenovo IdeaPad 130 (From $299.99 at Best Buy)
How to send videos on Discord
1. Make sure your video is the correct file type. Discord supports mp4, webm and mov file types.
2. In the Discord app on your Mac or PC, click the "+" icon in the Discord messaging bar for the channel you're looking to send the video to, and find the video that you want to send.
3. The video will embed and people will be able to watch the content from within the Discord application, without needing to download the video file.
Foto: The video should embed in the channel you sent it to. Source: Ross James/Business Insider
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