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PRESS ENTERPRISESunday November 2 1997 33 PRESS ENTERPRISE- Toll Free im22M4W f'onday Friday 8anri-7pni Saturday 1 Walk-Ins Taken Until 5pm Monday thru Saturday Fax No (717) 387-1234 Ext 1239 Fax No (717) 784-9226 THE DAYS MAY BE SHORTER BUT STILL ENOUGH DAYLIGHT TO IN ANIKXJMCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT SERVICES OTTERED nriANCIAL MERCHANDISE PETSUVESTOCK TARN SUPPLIESEQUIP REAL ESTATE TOR RENT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE RECREATIONAL VEHICLES TRANSPORTATION 3-35 40-50 3500 85-103 110-125 220-230 235245 250-270 272-310 312-318 320-332 AT YOUR PRIVATE PARTY: 1 90 per line I time 3 Best rate (30 times 9 lines or more) 7 1 1 per line Prices above reflect $200 discount if charge paid within 14 days of billing date Call for commercial in-line display rates Contracts available for 6 months and yearly' MAIL BOX CHARGE The charge to have replies addressed to a confidential box number in care of Press Enterprise is 1000 Replies may be picked up or we will send them out on Pridays PHONE MAIL BOX A quick ft convenient way to retrieve -messages While keeping your phone number private Call for rates DISPLAY LEGAL NOTICES AUCTIONS: 1 2 Noon Thursday for Saturday Sunday and Monday 1 2 Noon Friday for Tuesday 12 Noon Monday for Wednesday 1 2 Noon Tuesday for Thursday 1 2 Noon Wednesday for Friday IN COLUMN ADS: Monday thru Friday 7pm for next days publication Saturday 5pm for next day's publication Check your ad for errors the first day it appears in the paper Errors in advertisements should be reported immediately Hie Press Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion The Press Enterprise reserves the right to classify edit rqect or cancel any advertisement at any time Help Wanted 45 is looking for you! If you are dependable motivated and looking for a career with a future come join our team We are currently accepting applications for the following positions: Experienced Machinists Experienced Laborers Machinist Ttainees Come Grow With Us! qsb 535 3rd St Berwick PA 752-5901 9am-5pm jlPSHGII it-'- til Ur y) V' -(Vi mmmeoi Call'Classifieds -c if 01 -r -j 256 Muhlenberg 171 Danville 275 Danville 286 Sunbuiy 322 Williameport 323 Williameport 326 Williameport 339 Mount Carmel 356 Catawieea 368 Montoursville 372 Setinagrove 374 Setinagrove 379 WapwaUopen 387 Bloomaburg 389 Bloomaburg 433 Montnureville 437 Waahingtonville 450 Haxleton 454 Haxleton 458 Millville 459 Haxleton 473 Northumberland 477 Sweet Valley 523 Lewiebuiy Help Wanted 45 COMPANION Must be rid to drive 8 have car Utfit housekeeping Few hrs a day or more 6834334 ExarciM iRStnictor people oriented individual Evening 8 weekends Apply at Berwick YMCA 231 3rd St Berwick HEALTHSOUTH the na- provider has 9w follow jng immedwM openings in tha Finance Department at a new 40bsd re-' habitation hospital in DanvillPA: This fuN time position requires a minimum of a high school diploma (or equivalent) isfsvent coNegelevel oourssworit or degree ie cars purchasing ance and a working knowledge of personal computers and kwentoiy supply management wiH receive first conarderetion The mfoor duties and re-sponsibiNtiM of this lion pertain to and aquipmant datarminiiig letiabls sources of supply and maintaining inventory and purchasing practices in accordance with corpo- proceduree The fuN time Data Processing Coordinator wiH poe- seas a minimum of a high Niouid have a computer background Healthcare computer data entry experience is strongly preferred The primary duties of this position taduda the coor-dinatiori of the following functions key punch of daily charge generating a variety of antfoMay and endoFmonth financial re- -port maintaining tha patient accounting computer system- and -supporting the ovaraN computer ayatama of tha facility Ws-aie cunentiy leaking two (2) fuN time and on (1) part time Patient Account Qualified poeseai a minimum of a high school diploma (or equivalent) and Niould minimum of one rience Tha PAR wtil be responsible' for insurance claims in i dance with UB42 guidelines verifying primary insurance information and maintaining accurate backup for ati biting and third part payor Candidates with Medic are biking regulations and alajiSggMLl BkatiBNefeW moronic Mono yiioiviN wit receive first comjdetation This ful lima position requires a high school di-ptoms (or equivalent) varied dsricai and excellent aonal skills with an Accounts I andor payroll are encouraged to apply Tha major duties at this position pertain to the pee forming the AP and pay-rati fonctions for Ilia new hospital in accordance vary specific HEALTHSOUTH policies Wa affor a alary and for ful time positions offer a comprehensive employer matching 40 IK and much mor To explore these exciting career opportunities plaasa forward your is-sumeto: HEALTHSOUTH Nrttany Vtilay ws rta 1 Ranaoamnion noNpim Fasick Director of Human Reaourcea 660 Waat Cotiage Avanua Pleasant Gap PA 16823 RE OanviHa Poaitiom EOE Auctions 5 524 Lewiebuiy 542 Shiekehinny 546 Muncy 568 Lewiebuig 644 Shamokin 648 Shamokin 649 Turfaotville 672 Elyeburg 683 Orangeville 735 anticoke 736 Nantieoke 742 Milton 743 Selinegrove 752 Berwick 759 Berwick 784 Bloomaburg 788 Congngham 799 Numidia 864 Huntington MiDe 866 Jonestown 889 Ringtown 925 Benton 970 Haxleton Help Wanted EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC Must have own tools Ca6 3894777 Category 5000 MaKbox 40209 FIEXO PRESS OPERATOR Growing packaging preferred Graphic Arts background ok Apply in parson at 104 11 9i St Berwick EOE FUU OR PARTTIME Dancers guaranfoad $500 par wk Waiters Waitreass -no exp necessary Must be 18 or older Positive ID a must Apply 5 pm 2 am Mon Sat 88-90 Main St WMkasBart 8290822 GoRsnl LtbBran Wanted for outdoor work Ca wiH train Haiti wwfc- art to meat quota 7844610 94 Mon -Fit GRAPHIC DESIGN ASSISTANT Knowfodga of Cjuaty Photoshop Freehand pro -grama a must rience haipfuL Resume Salary lequeemanti tos Art Dirsctor Humboldt Industrie Inc 1 Mfoita wooa unwL nKMon rA 182014798 No leeume regukementa GREAT WEEKLY Sector Youtii and aiMts needed for datively work Good wealdy profit This ia an sxcaHant opportunity available ar Bit ORANGEVILLE AREA PM rtaJI nOIM (Ml nKK RfWCIil at 387-1234 Ext 1411 HARVEST HELP NEEDED Christmas ties Futilim seasonal $525 hr Apply in parson AbracNnskss Nuraerie on Rw 42 between Catawisaa and Nu-midi 3592323 HEALTHCARE Shamokin Area Community Hospital has several amptoymant opportunF ties for experienced healthcaieywxker Part-time poaitioneoffir sxoatisnt banefita -including family heakti insunne paid vacation personal days and retaemant pfon REOISTER0 NURSES Parttima and temporary positions are available in tha MadicatTafomatiy and ICCU departments mSORATOffr TECHS ParHim and casuta opmifiQS for Mwdted Laboratory Tachnicians and Madicsl Tfcchnotogistsfor daytime Niift FOOD SERVICES This temporary parHime position working day end early evening houra may Ireconw regular part timt An aKparianoad pnrMiina Houaakaapar ia naadad for utKlVa dawning and 3-11 aNIL QuaNfiad appficanta may obtain an application or sand a tatter or resume to Human Resource SHAMOKIN AREA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 4200 Hospital Rd Coal Township PA 17888 Equal Opportunity Employer Holiday MoHoyl Leading Ca in area ia putting $526 in SantaTa monBv Ful-time Ikt shift Cati Ruaaofi Tampa -2791434 iMMbUTCfiMMNAi Now hiring 2 futi time floor pay Must be 2nd or 3rd shift If you can run a scrubber or buffer or are witting to team cati today 78S4774 A Halp Wanted 45 AN0D1ZER Apply 10am to 2pm USR Matrix 41504 Old Bar wick Rd Btoomsburg CHILD CARE in my Btoomsburg Home Ctn 3894777 Category 5000 Mailbox 40211 disnwmAW9 Bloomaburg Center- Part time 3 dayswk 714 hrsday $515 par hr HS diploma and min 1 year experience working wcMdran Berwick Center Pert time 5 dayewk 4 hrsday $616 per hr KS diploma and min 1 year experience working wctutdren Sand resume or pick up ap-pfccetxxi by November 10th 1997 at Columbia Child Development Program 216 6th Street Btoomsburg No phone crib pleats EOE ClBMiRi Parsonnil Part-time fire restoration co smoke 8 water dam-' age dean up -M OK 389-5777 Category 5000 Mailbox 40122 UNITEMP asffiagforvk COME JOIN THE TEAM THAT WORKS FOR YOU Production wortes needed 1st 8 2nd shifts for focal food manufactunr Flexibility helpful Could lead to fuN time placement Starting 3 General Laborers Needed for construction ca in Lewiiburg arse $750hr jcnh! ixptrionci noodud Call for interview 7844266 COUNSELORS The Women's Centar of Columbia and Montour baa openinge for Sexual Aaaault Counselors to provide options and em- cervices within a feminist context This position requires in idwicMd digfn jn WWfire or related field andor equivalent experience excellent communication dpproadtgood managerial (tails and an understanding of the iMUM surrounding violence against women Sand resumes to the Woman's Canter 111 North Market Street BtoonwburgPA17815 The Women's Center is an EOE seeking divereity Survivors are encouraged to apply COUNTER HELP Ful time Benefits indude health insurance days 8 vacation person: Data's 1201 Fisas Am NO PHONE CALLS CntomarStivic lataka Rapnsantathn Equipment Company has an opening for an aggree-aive aril starting individ-uri for a ful time customer serviceintrite parson Tha successful-candidate riwuid posseu general office knowledge (medics office experience a plus) and tha ability to deal pleasantly with other health cars profonionria Tha applicant should atao MedicaieMedicaid guidrifoes -Good working-conditions and compati-' tiva wages To be consid-M10 TOr Will poimon siop at CP02 INC 114 Martx-- villa Rd Berwick NO PHONE CALLS WILL BEACCEPTED DELIVERY PERSON Must hem own vehicle Ap-' ply in person: NY DeE 8 Pine 442 East St Bloom CoL Kirk's Auction Gailary jj-Rt 42 2 ire Si of MMvilln Thors 5:30 ir 488-8882 AU28234 Js j1 Georg "Bud" Horry Auctionnnr 799-8351 AU001 528L i Hock! Auction Service Don Hock 784-7849 -AU-1106-L Vi Kapp1 Auction Sarvica GeorgeS Kapp Jr 4884384 AU-2174L Help Wanted 45 BUTCHER SHOP HELP: Must be able kid 8 akin steers Cad 3793725 HEALTHSOUTH the nation's largest harithcaro' provider haa tha foflow-ing immediata openings at a new 404ed rehabilitation hospital in Darnide PA: The hid tone Speech Language Pathologist wid provide a broad range of Speech Language Pathology services to both inpatients and outpatients participating in intardiaci-foam masting to patient treatment five personnel The quell- fiad applicant writ possess an MS Degree in Speech Pathology CCC and currant Penneytvania Keen-sure or Kcenaur eligibility Strong CFY candidates wil oho receive consideration The fuK time Quality provsmdnt Coordinator 01 Program to in-with and procedures the high quality of care provided to our patients The 01 Coor-rijnFYqf tsponsibl! for the devetofonent and implementation of systems related to the 01 function and wiH serve as a liaison between Administration and Medical Staff Qualified applicant wiH possess a minimum of Bachelor's Degree relevant field of atudy and 34 years Ql-axparience A knowledge of JCAHO and other accrediting agency standards is msaaftww Tha fuR time Health tofor- matton Management Syt- tarns Coder must be -ah Accredifod Record Tachro cian (ART) 34 years experience is preferred Candidates with a thorough knowledge of ICD-9CM coding and leadership abilities are preferred Tha primary responsibilities of this position involve assuming a leadership roi in tha H1MS Department and assisting with day4o4ay functions such as coding medical records mainte nance and analysis statistics! reporting medicolegal corresporv dance and program evaluation MM FPIT This fuN time position will provide tha clerical sup-' port to tha Health Information management Systems department at tha new hospital Tha HI MS Clark must possess a high school diploma (or equivalent) strong clerical organizational and interpersonal skiNs are also required: candidates with HIMS experience wN receive primary consideration WS are currently seeking one (1) foil time and two (2) pisrt time switchboard oparatorsiecsptionists Tha qualified applicant must possess a high school diploma (or equivalent) related experience and strong interpersonal stalls are also vary impoi' font In addition to operating tha switchboard this a receptionist and be assigned general clerical function Wa offer an excellent salary commensurate with i Wa offer a competitive alary and for fuR time' poaitioMi wa offer a com-prehensive "first-day benefits package employer matching 401-K and much more To explore these welting career opportunities pleas forward your resume to: HEALTHSOUTH NHtanyVaBsy as 1 IMfWDWURIOn nCMpflMi Attn: Chris Fasick Dirsctor of Human Resources 660 West Coiega Avenue Pleasant Gap PA 16823 RE: Danville Positions EOE Help Wanted 45 DRIVERS -PurdiiM LtuiAvailaUf $1000doMei-own canmnbonri in 2 3 yrs Excellent freight weekly settlements! Ceil McCormick lines in Muncy (7 17) 546-5921 Arit tor Mery Ann Classifieds Get Results 784-6151 Education Bloomsbury University Tha Department of Com-' putar pnd Information Systems announces a Temporary Faculty Position in Information Systems (AA92-7-19) A for only faculty available January 1998 to teach introductory com puter and information sye- lams coursesFor a fud daacriptkxt plaasa review http7wwwbtoomaadti departmentscompservi obpoatnewiobfaculty html Only applications received by November 15 1997 can be assured fud consideration Finalises) for -this position must communicate wad and auccasafudy complete an orvsitt interview andor teaching demonstration Send application to: Or Cad Chimi Chairper-sort' Search and Scraan of Computer and kifoima-tion Systems Btoomsburg University 400 Second Street Btoomsburg PA 17815 AAEOE Education Professional Communication Practitioner The Department of Communication Studies and Theatre Arts at Bkxxna-burg University is seeking a professional commurn- cation practitioner tor a course in Spring 1998 The course is -a senior-leval applied aaminar in corporate communication for departmental majors teaching them to use written and oral communication stalls in organizational Minimum requirements: earned Bachelors degree with at least 5 years of significant experience in a publip or private corporate communication anviron-mant Teaching experience and ability to relate to a diverse student population are desirable Finat-- ist(s) for this position must communicate wetland successfully comjdete an interview Materials must be postmarked by 111497 Submit letter of application resume: unofficial tranaaipts of all codaga work and name address and phone number of three references to: Corporate Communice- bon Search Committee Department of Communication Studies and Theatre Arts AA25-7-38 Btoomsburg University Btoomsburg PA 17815 AAEOE For further information check our home page at httpV www Jdoomuedu job html EXPERIENCED LABORERS Now accepting application for experienced laborers Must have axptrienc in metal buddings Carpeo-lasonry finish work try a plus Must be self-motivated safety and quality conscious Benefit package included Pay depends on expi 1038 East 7th St Btoomsburg PA 8am4pmMF BABYSITTING: your Bar wick home flexible hrs 752-1 240 after 10am DIRECTOR OF NURSING SERVICES For 77 stalled bad nursing facility 2 year long term care experience preferred-Apply in peraon at Bonham Nursing' Centar 864-3 174 Bern 8 4pm Driven COMPANY DRIVERS SIDOMootfe Thafs all youB pay for our terrific family coverage benefits package which includes major medical dental vision plane as 401 As a 50 year old transportation industry leader weSra succeeded by treating our drivers as profee- sionals You'd also enjoy: Ad odometer miles paid Terrific earnings potential (Avg 4045Kyear Requires COLA 2 yre OTR experience and good MVR To find out more call 1-800444-0313 WATSONTPWN TRUCKING Equal Oppty Employer MF DRIVERS McCormick Lines in Miincy has openings for over the road driver with dess A CDL 8 Haz Mat endorsement AN miles paid with a range of up to 28 cents par mile Opportunity for extra incsnkm bonuses Home most Full benefit plan including mecficri 8 dsntrivistan as wall a 401k Equip- mant ia 1995-96 converv tionris Can (717) 546-5921 and arit for Mary Ann DRIVERS'NOW! OTR com fightbs COLA wHazMat 'Horn often' Top payfud bnfts Dmo or Glenn 800-2700206x2411 DRIVERS TRACTOR TRAILER AVERAGE IN EXCESS OF 30 CENTS A MILE Road drivers With daas A CDL license and Haz Mat endorsement needed (foe year minimum experience Ragionri northeast area delivery and pickupt Home weekends Late model Mack CH deeper cab Pay indudes mileage rate delivery and pickup pay detention pay and 1 00 par month performance bonus We provide health insurance Ida insurance paid holidays and vacation 40 1 plan writ as additional Cad Recruiting Department 1-800-577-2458 ext 721 Bolus Freight Systems Inc DRIVERS You've Tried the Rest Now Drive for the Best! Victory Express Inc Now PiyPacktga Experienced Drivers SiOBlu earn up to 38V4 per mi Teamieamupta 56 '4 par mile WE ALSO OFFER: 500 signon Bonus 'Paid Health Dentri 8 Life -Profit Sharing Program No CDL7-No ProMeml Inexpenonced Drivers earn up to S6650 per day while trrinaig Start dasses before 112497 and earn top wages Class size is limited SO DON'T DELAYH For more into and an application cad your future employer todayl Victory Express tec 1400443-5033 EOE MF NEVIUS Auction Sarvica 7624214 AIF000479-L 4 Oil Olan Knacht Auction! AU-1765-L 683-5955 Help Wanted 3-11 SHIFT LPN'S $1125 CNAS $745 Currently offering part time positianSL Apply in person Millville Health Center Call 458-5566 ADVOCATE The Women's Centar of Columbia and Montour haa an opening for a part-time Rural Advocate to establish a sataNite office in Montour County This position may expand to full-time The ideal candidate would be an xcdtont communicator highly motivated autonomous able to wbik sffectivaly with community leadership and pos-g sess excellent counsiriing skills A degree in Sodal Welfare is preferred Send reeumee to the Women1! Center Ill i- WIN Ul Minwi OlML Bloomaburg PA 1 781 ThaWomen's Canter ia an EOE seeking divarsity Survivprsare encouraged to apply APPLY FOR CHRISTMAS HELP Short or Long Term Positions Avail -S955Start 1040 Flax HrsyWk No exp needed Simple Work Advancement Opportunities Ideal for second income Start immadiatafy Call for details 522-8231 Assistant Manager Wa are a we established ful sarvica restaurant seeking experienced energetic team player who is able to give direction and be directed We wN provide the following: Paid vacations ExceHentpay Training Employee Meal Allowance you are hard working and looking for a secure employment opportunity apply at: BJ's Steak 8 Rib House 219 MM St DanvNa PA 17821 BARTENDER to work Sundays Hours are 1pm 12am Candidate must have previous experience flexible schedule good interpersonal rids and be at least 18 yre of age Competitive wages Apply st Southeide Fire Co 200 Avenue Riverside 2754472 Bartender We ere weM established fuN service restaurant player End Expirwnci Enthuriam a must Employee Meal Alowance Pbsitione at DanviNe and Ssbnsgrovs locations If you are hard working and looking for a secure employment opportunity apply at BJ'e Steak 8 IHb House 219 MW St Danville PA 17821 Ffeo for Free 10 Lost and Found 25 LOST: Mala Collie in Briar Crwak Boro Brown collar tevarai tag Are to Justa Reward 7594)914 LOST: Saar appliance hand cart vicinity of Rt 1 1 front- of Rivarview Call winfo 752-3022 Personals 8128 TOTAL DIVORCE -Free info Uncontexted Atty- Raitman Pittsbgh No 8004884070 A BANKRUPTCY A FREE conference! LOWER FEES Paymanta OK NO travel Atty Jimmy Beatrice Jr Muncy 1-8004460898 A BANKRUPTCY 8299 COSTS Stop han rasnfent loan cards foreclosure repo's (hut offs Divorce from $140 cost) Payments accepted Bloom Over 500 cases 3ajJ OaAiiHsasj I INN MlHRiify LIVWNIfli 387-7778 open 24 hour Massagi And Taming CbN 779-7711 Relaxation at if finest 740-2244 Employment Information HOME TYPISTS PC users needed $45000 incama potential Call 1 (800) 513 4343 Ext 10670 List Pea Umln ftintnil rlBip Wdiiicu ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Performs clerical duties in posting data tiling paring reports check in-formation maintaining totals or other- figures Must be able to use PC fax machine and mant The successful didata requires limited supervision and or management- contact Must have computer spread- knowledge with 13 yrs exp FuUtime excellent benefits tobacco frea an-' vironmanL Salary com-mansurata waxperienca Sand resume to: Mr Martin (Butch) Vougtrt Catawiwa Lumber 8 Specialty Co Inc P0 Box 176 Catawisaa PA 17820 or fax 717-358-2485 EOE FRO: 3 boxes of ladiea clothing Cal 752-6146 FREE: Conaoie TV Color 23 Work 356-7857 FREE: ExarciM bike Naadx a part 356-7857 FREE: IBM elect typewriter Does not net 7848434 FREE: Kitten to a good home Call 5424380 FREE: Piana Good cond Wtod Call 7524997 FREE: puah mower naada pointa 8 condanaor Haa mulching blad Good Miapo 7848434 FREE: Rag Chocoiato Lab IWyt Male 683-5165 FREE: amal child's bits training whaata for ages 44 Fair condt 784-8434 VflEE: aofa bad fair condt 752-1396 'Lost and Found 25 OUND Dog light browrunad mala wwhile streak (Co6m Tamar mix) Vicinity of RR2 Berwick near Shal-683-6295 LOST 4 ma old female ton loisa colored kitten An-' aw an to the name of UnoT Vic of Front St Berwick 759-3142 LOST: DogChocolata lab Name is Lager Ful grown Rad collar wbcenae Lost in adearea Can 2754670 Paw ISWSMW0.
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