FOR SALE FOR SALE- model tractor with hydraulic lift plows and cultivators, 8-section harrow, mower and a marker. Paul S. Crebs, 9th Northumberland. FOR SALE-New Idea tractor trailer grass mower, Fred Ulrich, Selinsgrove R. D.
1, Phone 42R2, FOR SALE -New cab over engine 109" wheelbase tractor, tires rear, front. Shoemaker Chevrolet, 7th and Market streets, Sunbury, Pa. FOR SALE- -Green combination coal separate coal and' condition. Inquire 1952-M. and ivory Columbian and gas range with gas oven.
In good 403 N. 5th St. Tele, FOR SALE-2 new spinet pianos, beautiful styles. Color walnut or mahogany Cash or monthly payments. Bargains.
Don't wait. Call at 821 Orange Nor. thumberland. Phone 1785R. FOR SALE-1 John Deere tractor cultivator, like new, will fit model and B.
1 side delivery hay rake. Inquire at Mr. Franklin H. Royers near New Berlin, Winfield, R. D.
1. FOR SALE--A well established electric Must sell at once to settle an estate. Inquire at 260 Chestnut Mifflinburg. Phone 6-3294. FOR SALE-20 ft.
boat equipped to be used as a sail, motor, or row boat, used two seasons, price $75.00. 422 8th Selinsgrove, Pa. Phone 206X. FOR SALE Established radio sales and service and appliance store. Also, record business.
Good business opporturity. Must be sold by June 15, Any reasonable offer accepted. Call Northumberland 1275-R. FOR SALE Combination coal and gas range, grey enamel, good condition. Inquire 902 S.
Front St. Phone 179-J. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, 1937, model 74 motorcycle. Equipped with saddlebags, dual horns, many other extras. Four speeds forward.
Good tires. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg. (Open Eves.) FOR -Brooder house on skids, size 8x9. In good condition. Ice refrigerator, white enamel.
Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire David Diehl, Laurelton, Pa. Phone Mifflinburg 6-3183. FOR SALE-5 spotted riding horses. One broken shetland pony anyone can ride.
One extra fine open trailing coon dog. Inquire A. J. Herbster, Laurelton, Pa. Phone Mifflinburg 6-3183.
FOR SALE--Two (2) litters of stranght legged Beagle hound puppies. Six and eight weeks old. One litter thoroughbred Black Blanket, 18 inch stock. Inquire of Paul R. Lauver, Middleburg, Pa.
R. D. 3, halfway between Freeburg and Globe Mills on black top road. FOR SALE--Electric motors, single phase, induction replusion, ball bearing. Will buy Briggs and Stratton gasoline engines or trade electric motors.
Electric washing machines $20.00. Army Shoe Sign, 122 N. 5th Lewisburg, Pa. FOR SALE -House trailer, good condition, student must sell, available immediately, $875. E.
W. Pilkey, Zettle's Station, Route 14, Lewisburg. FOR SALE New 16 ft. row boat. Inquire William Foltz, Port Trevorton.
FOR SALE-2 head young cattle, 1 Guernsey cow fresh, also one power gas motor. Welcome E. Aucker, R. D. 1, Port Trevorton, Pa.
USED AUTO PARTS Generators, starters, tires and tubes, transmission, rear ends, axles, tail lights. Auto glass installed. We buy wrecked cars. bury Auto Wreckers, Sunbury-Shamokin Highway, (2 miles from Sunbury), Phone 1659. FOR SALE -20 inch power lawn mower, tractor to pull 12 inch bottom plow, wheel cultivator attachment.
We have Wisconsin engines in stock, 8 to 24 H.P. Also will install same on combines or hay press, 2 H.P. scooters. H. A.
Noll Welding Shop, 2 miles west of West Milton. FOR SALE-House-trailer with veniences. Roomy, portable washer, kerosene heater, one double bed, space for baby bed. Ideal for couple with small child. May be seen at Rinks Knife Shop, Route No.
15, one mile south of Winfield, Pa. ATTENTION! FARMERS Ward's All-Steel Hammermills have big-mill features, strength and capacity, yet are priced low! Grind up to 9,000 lbs, ear corn per hour with 2 to 8 plow tractors! Accurately balanced rotos, reversible swinging hammers, double row self aligning bearings, M-10 mill, with dust collector and bagger (2 plow tractor size) M-15 mill, with dust collector and ger (2-8 plow tractor size) $188.00. See them NOW at Montgomery Ward, Sunbury, FOR SALE kinds of used auto and truck parta, motors, transmissions, rears, starters, generators and springs, bearings, axles, wheels, frames and some tires. Auto Ranch, mile northwest of Selinsgrove Bridge, Phone 176R9 SelInsgrove. OUTBOARD MOTORS-1947 blue ribbon, 4.2 H.P, Champion.
Only $127.00. Immediate delivery or lay-away plan on convenient terms. Sunbury Tire Supply 25 S. Fourth Sunbury, BICYCLE! F. Goodrich, Schwinn built.
Boys and girls. Seven models on display, Immediate delivery or lay. away plan. Sunbury Tire Supply 25 S. Fourth Sunbury, STARTED CHICKS--Leghorn pullets Hampshire Reds, and White Rocks.
4 to 8 weeks old, R.O.P, sired priced reasonable. Peliman's Poultry Farm, W. S. Pellman, Richfeld, Pa, FOR SALE--Pair of woman's calf akin English riding boots size B. Beautiful leather, never worn.
Bargain for anyone in the market for good stylish boots. Price $30. 406 N. Market St. Selinsgrove.
FOR, SALE--Mercury and Champion outboard motors, the ideal family outboard. Smooth-running, just right for the average boat, $115.95 up. Sunbury Tire Supply 25 4th street. FOR SALE-Soy beans, certified Lincoln seed. Manchu and Black Wilson.
Seed buckwheat, rye grass, sudan grass, brome grass, orchard grass. Farmers Seed Company, Pa. FOR -Lawn mowers. Deluxe model with hardened 16-inch blades, heat treated to spring temper for full depths of blade, Improved type cutter bar to insure clean, even cut all times. Rubber tires on dise type wheels, 120.95.
Sunbury Tire Supply 25 4th street, FOR -Truck Tires. We have brand new Firestone truck tires, 20, 8-ply, ench 835.00, plus tax. Also one U. 150x20, 10-ply, brand DeW, 848.00 plus tax. Sunbury Tire Supply 15 8.
Fourth street. FOR -Whizzer bike motors, ft any, balloon tire bleycle. Now you can ride wherever you We go. install. Make your bike a motor bike.
Available on easy terma, Sunbury Tire Supply Co. 26 8 4th street. FOR SALE aweepers or cleanen. Westinghouse, Premier and Beer Vac, $59,95 up. Available on easy terms.
Sunbury Tire Supply 15 8 4th St. FOR SALE- We hare in stock Stromberg-Carlson, Motorola, Bendix, Crosley and Mantola radios in all models and all aises, 119,96 Sunbury Tire Supply Co, 25 8. 4th street. FOR SALE- washers. The 1 Launderall automatie home laundry and the new Thor washer for Immediate delivery, Use Our Budget Plan, Easy Terms, Sunbury Tire Supply Co.
16 8 Fourth St. Sunbury, FOR SALE- est and hemlock cut to order. I. R. Stuck, Grand street.
Middlebare. Phone 417. U. ROBBER KEDS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY HIGGINS FAMILY SHOE STORE Selina grove FOR BALE--Fine Monuments, Head Stones, Carving, lettering, refinishing. Large stock, best Baste Vermont granite.
Low price, bay direct and Manefacturers for 10 years. Open Sundays and evenings. Send for CatWorks, 7a 8686. LOST RATES Strictly Cash (5 Lines or Less) One Time. Two Consecutive Three Consecutive Times $1.00 Six Consecutive Times $1.50 LOANS LOAN We Make Loans $20 to $250 or More Privately Quickly Your Signature, Furniture CONSUMERS or ACREDIT SERVICE, INC.
Sunbury Water Company Bldg. 5th Market Sta. Phone 1508 FOR SALE FOR SALE One 26 ft. portable, double chain elevator, on rubber tires. Suitable for baled hay and ear corn.
See or write Robert F. Pardoe, No. 1, Milton, Pa. Phone 5-2239. FOR SALE A brown and white female dog, 6 months old, mostly collie $5.00.
2. venetian blinds wooden, 84" wide, 64" long, $4.00. Apply at 881 So. 2nd Sunbury. FOR SALE Reed stroller in good condition.
Inquire at 154 N. 4th St. FOR SALE -Pullets 15 wks. $1.50. Washed and ironed feed bags (dress print) 40c each.
Robert L. Edmiston, Beavertown, Pa. FOR SALE- -Just received shipment of 10 brand new cast iron bath tubs complete with fittings and trim 5' to End tubs and built in. Also a few 42" double basin cast iron kitchen sinks, complete with chrome fixtures and spray, 2 basket strainers. Inquire after 6 p.
m. at 170 S. 10th St. FOR SALE Just received shipment of Trusscon steel casement and picture window sash and frames complete with all necessary hardware. Also some used doors and sash.
Inquire after 6 p. m. 170 S. 10th St. FOR SALE 60 gal, Domestic water heater or johnny stove.
Dome top, used one year. New condition, complete with cast iron base and ash pan. Inquire at 170 S. 10th after 6 p. m.
FOR SALE-1937 Indian "74" motorcycle. Excellent condition. Inquire 1001 Walnut Sunbury. FOR SALE New shipment of farm wagons with wheels to match your car, new low price $110. Buffalo Valley Motor and equipment 23 N.
Ninth, Phone 5-14561 Lewisburg. FOR SALE- all sizes and kinds, lawn mowers, dusts and sprays, Dutch Boy white lead, lawn seed, outside paints in white and colors. Middleburg Planing Mill Co. Phone 56-Y. FOR SALE -Late model Majestic console radio with automatic record changer.
Reasonably priced for quick sale. Wm. C. Krohn, 622 N. 8th street, Selinsgrove, Pa.
FOR SALE -Wheelbarrows, all steel tray, steel wheel, wood frames. Heavy duty and priced for quick sale $7.50. Troxell's Hardware, Selinsgrove, Phone 53.1 FOR SALE--Deep freeze food locker, 9 cu. ft, storage space, two compartments. Reg.
price $437.25, now $298.00. Troxell's Hardware, Selinagrove, Phone 53. FOR SALE Combination gas and coal range. It's a prizer. Cast iron, beautiful design, built for satisfaction, $219.95.
Troxell's Hardware, Selinsgrove Phone 53. FOR SALE--A complete line of cast iron soil pipe and fittings, Troxell's Hardware, Selinsgrove, Phone 58. FOR -Air compressor, complete with 2 h.p. electric motor, De Vil Biss spray gun, air regulator, hose, turn table and exhaust fan. Approximately 30 gal.
Dupont lacquer, 30 gal. sealer, 50 gal thinner, 10 gal. dull lacquer, and 15 gal. walnut oil stain. Also approximately 2000 board feet 4x4 maple and beech kiln dried lumber and 500 board feet air dried.
S. S. Shambach, Beaver Springs, Pa. Phone Beaver Springs 28-R-2. FOR SALE -Slab wood.
Also johnny stove for sale. Call 889M. FOR SALE Maytag washer aluminum square tub. Completely overhauled $50. 430 Chestnut street.
FOR SALE--Royal Standard, excellent condition, Elite type, Write to Box 85 care of Daily Item. FOR SALE Four burners Quality table top gas range and ply wood boat with oars. Inquire 649 Susquehanna Ave. FOR SALE- -Good work horse weight 1400, age 8 years, works single or lead side. Arthur L.
Romig, Mifflinburg, Pa. Phone 6-4652. Farm located between New Berlin and Centerville. FOR -TWO COWS T.B. and Bangs tested, one Guernsey just.
fresh with third calf the other is Holstein fresh just five weeks ago with third calf. See Harry P. Smith, Selinagrove, located on Selinsgrove-Kratzerville road, or phone Selina. grove 76-R-6. FOR SALE--Chicken coop 4x8, two floors runway and roost second floor, scratch pen below, Priced low, leaving town.
Phone Lewisburg 5-224 after 6 p. m. any evening. FOR SALE-Model 1945 Ford tractor with plows, cultivator, buss saw, All in excellent shape. Call Mrs.
Bertha Haas, R. D. 1, Shamokin, West Cameron Township. FOR SALE--Used tractor Chevrolet 1946 -license, also 18 ft. Trailmobile trailer.
Very good condition. Priced right. Phone 32R6 Beavertown Block Beavertown, Pa. FOR SALE--Oliver 2-horse cultivator on rubber. Pigs 1 weeks old.
Irvin Brosius, Sunbury, FOR -Singer electric sewing machines, also Singer foot treadles, pinkIng shears and needles for all makes of sewing machines. Call at 21 S. 10th Sunbury, Pa. FOR SALE--Man's All-American bleyele, new Rawling's first baseman's mitt, standard make band 9 tube console radio, new aliver cornet mute, Beuscher melody gold bell saxaphone, maple bish chair, solid oak library table. All good condition.
Call 2109-R. FOR SALE- motors to fit 1985-1946 Plymouth and Dodge. Also 1940-1941 Chevrolet, All new parts. New motor guarantee. $136 exchange.
Sunbury Auto Wreckers, Sunbury-Shamokin Highway, (2 miles from Sunbury) Phone 1669. FOR SALE- 4 row Hardie potato sprayer and can be used for tree sprayer. It has only be used 1 seasons on 4 acres of land. Call 24R2 Selinagrove or Box 44, Freebors, Pa. FLASH Here's electric light and power for farmers, contractors, summer cottage owners, station owners, and trailer-travellers, A Montgomery Ward Powerlight plant costs as little an $380,60 delivered.
Details at this store. Montcomery Ward A Sunbury, FOR SALE--Kerosene range, prewhite enamel table top, four burners cooking and one in boiltin oven. Very good condition. Resson for selling have nO: room for same any more. Glenn Herman, Kratserville.
CREAM SEPARATORS- -See Ward's ten moss cream separator, America's finest, easy to operate, closer skimming, as low $27.06 Montgomery Ward Co. Sunbury, HAND CULTIVATOR- Take the dred. out of your work. Get one of Ward's hand cultivators. Choler of models, See them at Ward's now at the low price of 18.96.
Montgomery Ward Sunbury, FOR SALE- -Seat covers to St all makes of care. Washable Shre, guaranteed to Seabury Tire Supply Co, 26 K. TERMS STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE! For Sale- Real Estate FOR SALE--Screened summer house. Call at 617 Chestnut between 6 and 7 p. m.
FOR SALE -Seven room house with bath, heat, electricity, two car garage, wash and butcher house with built-in kettle furnace and water in building, smoke house. Situated on lot 70x150 ft. at 718 N. Market Selinsgrove, Pa. All in good repair.
Inquire at 116 N. Front St. Wm. F. Gabel.
FOR SALE-85 A. productive farm near Cowan, Union 1 rm. frame house, summer large bank barn and other outbidgs. Elec, and in hse, and Good paint, This fertile farm produces excellent crops. Better look at it.
See FLOYD WALTER, R. E. Salesman, 1126 Adams Lewisburg, or JOSEPH LINCOLN RAY, R. E. Broker 19 N.
4th Sunbury, FOR SALE 1 room house with bath, heat, electricity, two-car garage, wash and butcher house with built-in kettle, furnace and water in building, smoke house, situated on a lot 70x150 feet at 713 North Market Selinsgrove, all in good repair. Inquire at 116 North Front Selinsgrove, William F. Gabel. FOR SALE -Double house and single house centrally located on South Market street, Selinsgrove, Can be purchased separately. Equipped with furnaces, Good sized lots with garages.
Priced reasonably, Act now! Inquire 215 'South Market street, Selinsgrove. FOR SALE 2-family apartment house, situated corner Fifth and Race streets. Hot water heat. First floor vacant. Al60, double frame dwelling at 524-526 N.
4th street. All conveniences. Double garage. George M. Forsythe, Realtor, 32 N.
4th street, Sunbury, Phone 499. FOR SALE Farm and separate dwelling house for sale. Farm located northeast of Mifflinburg consisting of approximately 130 acres of farm land and 30 acres woodland. This is a dairy farm under cultivation. Also for sale a newly remodeled dwelling house located northeast of Mifflinburg.
Immediate possession can be given of the dwelling house, Also for sale approximately 100,000 feet of manufactured white pine, maple and oak lumber. See Clair Groover, Attorney Mifflinburg, Phone 6-208. FOR SALE Choice business location, Danville, 257-265 Mill 84'x220' (vacant), Can obtain 2 chain store tenants long lease if purchaser desires. W. W.
Watkins, Lewisburg, Phone 5-13292. MAYBE THIS MAKES SENSE the easy NOTICE-Sewng machine service, All makes of sewing machines and ing machines cleaned and adjuated. Used machines bought und sold. All work guaranteed. Call D.
Green Appliance Store, 732 Market St. Phone 226W. FOR FRECKS REPAIR SERVICE All makes radio and phono combinations. Prompt service, pickup and deliver or bring in. All electrio appliances repaired.
Tubes checked free. Phone 2762R 105 Queen Northumberland NOTICE WANTED BIDS -Built up roofing on the McClure school building. Specifications can be had from members of said board, H. O. Bingaman, McClure, Pa.
MILLER'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE Commercial and domestic repairs and installation. All work guaranteed. Harold Miller, Lewisburg. Phone 5-4072 IDEAL RADIO SERVICE All makes and models radios and phono combinations repaired. Prompt service.
Call for and deliver or bring to William R. Hile at Oaklyn. Phone 1918W. NOTICE Roofing and aiding contracting. For free estimate and prompt service call Frank Bebenek, Elysburg.
Phone 20.77. LAWN MOWER SHARPENING--Your lawn mower will stay sharp longer if sharpened by the "Electra Keen System' This method is used by lawn mower factories. Also welding service. Noll's Lawn Mower and Welding Service, Island Park, Phone 2870-J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY--Start your own route of Minit-Pop popcorn vending machines, Large profits.
Small investment. Balance financed. Act quickly. Popcorn Supply 1226 Vine Phila. 7, Pa.
LO 7-1016. MISCELLANEOUS LIGHTNING PROTECTION-We sell and install lightning rods. In accordance with approved underwriters methods. Estimates cheerfully given. Have your present installation inspected now free of charge.
All work guaranteed. For full information write Francis M. Specht, Middleburg, Penna. Or phone Selinsgrove 22-R-7, Harry 8. Teats, Freeburg, Penna.
NOTICE KEEFER'S UPHOLSTERING SHOP Living room furniture recovered like new. Your choice from the largest selection of beautiful Tapesteries, Freizes, Mohairs anywhere. All new patterns. Chrome chairs covered in any colored leather. New spring units for your present sofa and chair cushions.
A Sunbury shop for nine years. Prompt pickup and delivery service, day or evening. Just call 1158 GEORGE FIX IT" NOTICE -Lawn mower sharpening and repairing. Earl Helt, Montandon, Pa. Phone Lewisburg 5-14175.
FARMERS NOTICE Baker's Tire Service are equipped to put Calcium Chloride up to 100 per cent in your tires on the farm. All kinds of cutting down steel wheels and wooden wheels to put them on rubber. We also sell that New U. S. Farm Tire that pulls you out of the worst places you get in.
We also sell Farm Wagons on rubber, Come in and see them. BAKER'S TIRE SERVICE, 4th and Duke North'd. Phone 787J. FARMERS NOTICE New and used tractor tires. All sizes.
Also cut down service and calcium chloride service. Sunbury Tire Supply Co. 25 S. Fourth Sunbury. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING All work guaranteed, Rates very sonable.
Pianos cleaned and moth proofed. C. W. BORDER, 1234 Race Sunbury. Phone 1664W.
CELLARS AND PIPE TRENCHES DUG Modern Machinery; Prompt Service Free Estimates F. R. General Excavators, Shamokin, Pa. 1588 W. Lynn St.
Phone 1990J EXTERMINATING AND TERMITE CONTROL GUARANTEED Are your bothered by Ants, Moths, Roaches, Termites, Rats, any other household pests, SPECIALIZE IN FUMIGATIONS. Write for advice to J. C. EHRLICH Exterminators, Box Sunbury Daily Item. FOR -Merchandise GIFTS- -Thinking of buying a gift? See the large selection of unusual tions decorated by our Own artists.
Beautiful giftwares not to be found elsewhere and at reasonable prices. Studio Gift Shop, 36 S. 8rd Lewisburg, The shop with the friendly atmosphere, TRACTOR TIRES CALCIUM CHLORIDE SERVICE Montgomery Ward Sunbury, Pa. have I a full line of tractor tires, tubes and rims in stock. Our salesman will be glad to call at your residence and give you information and prices.
Tires setviced, calcium chloride changed or stalled at your farm, RUBBER MATTING -For ball runners, ate. Comes 86 Inches wide, any length. Yd. $1.50. Sunbury Tire Supply Co.
26 S. 4th Phone 2801. V-BELTING-We can supply long- Wearing B. F. Goodrich Replacement V.
Belts for refrigerators, washing mach. ines, Ironers, stokers, pumps and other bousehold appliances, plus any machine which uses V- Sunbury Tire Supply 25 8 4th St. Phone 2802. RAINCOATS-B. F.
Goodrich heavy duty work and dress raincoata, All rises now in stock. Sunbury Tire Supply 25 S. 4th BL, across from Edison. Telephone FOR BALE-Truck wheels and rime, new. All sizes.
Sunbary Tire Supply 25 8. 4th 8t, across from Edison Hotel, Phone 1801, FOR BALE--B. P. Goodrich Truek Tires, all miser in stock from 680-20 ap. Use our easy payment pian.
Sunbury Tire Supply, 26 8. 4th Sunbury, Pa. Phone 2801 (across from the Hotel Edison). FOR BALE -Shallow and deep well pumps. Ererite centrifrigal det pumps and piston pumps.
For the smallest well to the deepest well with 4, 4. or H.P, motors, All pumps teed. Also 47 gallon pressure tanka to go with pumps, Sunbury Tire Supply 28 8. 4th Sky seross from Edison Phone 2801, ROOF COATING--Free 12.60 per 84. Chimneys re- topped.
Call 1486 Sunbury, All work guaranteed. Metal Ca. Shamokin. Pa Phone 481. FOR SALE -New steel, beams, channels, angles, plates, sheet Iron, rounds and fate, rails, pipe, cable, wheels, etc.
Large stock, calling prices. Shamokin Iron Metal Co. Shamokin, Pa. Phone 422, WANTED WANTED Student for store work on Saturdays. Write letter to Box care of Daily Item.
JOB WANTED--Experienced boy 16 yrs. old would like work on farm. Write letter to Box care of Daily Item. POSITION WANTED- Veteran desires position an experienced salesman In store, Can give references. Phone 749-J-11 or write P.
0. Box 106, Nor. thumberland, Pa, -Plumbing repairs. Work guaranteed. Call anytime, Joseph D.
Tress, 24 Ind St, Sunbury. Phone 2961-J. WANTED LAWN MOWERS to sharpen and repair. First class mechanie. Automatia modern grinding machine.
Grinds reel blades to straight blade. Work guaranteed. Sober's Lawnmower Service, 19 8. 10th St, Sunburz, Phones 2676 or 1881, WANTED -New roofs and roof repairs, Skylights, ventilators, everything in abeet metal work. Let an established fire with skilled mechanis Phone 1889, or write P.
O. Box 181, Shamokin, DA, ROOTING, MONTHLY RATE $6.00 Per Month Memorial 750 (Each insertion) Card of Thanks 750 (Each Insertion) Resolution of Respect, Net (Per line) PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises, Sunbury Street, Borough of Snydertown, Northumberland County, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1947 at 1:80 P. (D.S.T.) Two large lots having a total frontage of 100 feet on Sunbury Street and tending an average depth of 158 ft. to a width of approximately 90 ft. WHEREON ARE ERECTED A 2 STORY, 8 ROOM MODERN FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with all conveniences, including new hot water.
heating system, enclosed porches, sleeping porches, laundry, a two-story barn, chicken house, double garage, fruit trees and shrubbery. ALSO at the same time and place household goods will be sold. TERMS: Household goods, Cash. Real Estate, terms will be announced at sale or can be had upon application to the undersigned. JOHN METTLER, Executor and Agent for the heirs and devisees of the Estate of WILLIAM H.
METTLER, Dec'd. J. METTLER PENSYL, 212 Market Street, Sunbury, Pennsylvania Attorney. PUBLIC AUCTION The household goods of BERTHA MAY MacALISTER, located at No. 510 Chestnut Street, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, will be sold at public auction on June 12, 1947, at 1:80 p.
m. The same consist of the following items of furniture, cooking utensils, lot dishes, lot misel. articles, electric bread toaster, electric sandwiches toaster, lawn mower, rake, shovel, hoes, porch rockers, metal utility cabinet, taberetts, porch rugs, small kitchen cabinet, electric plate, wall mirrors, table top gas range, Wineroft coal range, large kitchen cabinet, hall runners, wall brushes, single metal bed, spring and mattress to match, hall, runners, round table and chairs, bathroom scales, waste basket, medicine cabinet, electric fan, walnut chest drawers, ironing board, cloths tree, electric washer, garden hose, pull up rocker, Wicker table, walnut dresser, smoker, mantle clock, auto cushion, ceder chest and contents, bed clothing, large mirrors, 9x12 rugs, pillows, magazine rack, pull up rockers, 2 piece living room suite, arm chair, wing chair, pedestals, table lamps, automobile radio, doileys, floor lamps, metal smokers, lace curtains, library table, desk and chair, pictures, folding chairs, fine cases and buckback, antique dishes, silver ware, piano stool, flower urn ice cream freezer, General Electric refrigerator late model. All of the above goods are in good condition. These goods have been removed to Kester's Auction Room, No.
257 Chestnut Street, Sunbury, Pennsylvania, and will be sold at said Auction Room by R. E. Kester, Auctioneer. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, Guardian. At same day and place we will offer some storage goods sensisting of two bedroom suites with her spring mattress box and coil springs, one fine Baby Grand piano, several other fine pieces too many to mention here.
Sale will start at 1:80 p. and continue afternoon and evening, No sale will be held at our Woodlawn Ave. room on this date. KESTER FURN, EQUIPT. CO, R.
E. Kester, Mgr. Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Our regular Thursday night auction will be held at 257 Chestnut street, instead of on Woodlawn Ave, this week June 17th, 2 sales 1:30 to 5, 7 to p. m. KESTER FURN.
EQUIPT, co. R. E. Kester, Mgr. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY Hannah Dunkelberger, sole devisee in the last Will and Testament of Emma R.
Dunkelberger, late of the City of Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, deceased, will sell on the premises at No. 910 Edison Avenue, Sunbury, on SATURDAY, June 14, 1947 at 12:30 o'clock P. M. the household furniture and furnishings of the late Emma R. Dunkelberger, consisting of piano, three piece living room suite, tables, stands, rugs of all sizes, chairs, rockers, kitchen stove, gas stove, Maytag washer, bed room furniture, congoleum rugs, dishes and cooking utensils and other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms cash. At the same place at 2 o'clock P. M. the following real estate will be offered for sale: All those two lots of ground situate in the City of Sunbury, marked and numbered on the plot of J. W.
Cake's Addition as lots Nos. 10 and 11 In Block 25, ench of said lots fronting on Edison Avenue 25 feet and extending 150 feet in depth; on which is erected frame dwelling house and necessary outbuildings. Excellent condition. of purchase price to be paid on day of sale. Balance on delivery of deed.
terms and conditions will be made -known at time of sale, Possession given with deed. HANNAH M. DUNKELBERGER. Earl M. Roush, Attorney, M.
B. Walter, Auctioneer. PUBLIC SALE--Thursday, June 12, 1947 at 12 o'clock noon, Mrs. Dora Lazarus, miles northeast of Pottagrove on Pottagrove-Washingtonville road, will offer 4 Guernsey cows, blood tested, farm machinery, complete line of hold goods, home cured meat, At 2:80 p. m.
81 acres farm will be effered. Electricity and all necessary buildings. Terms personal property, cash, Real estate made known on date of sale. Runyan, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Advance notice.
Another unclaimed freight and salvage sale will be held in the near future, Watch papers for listIngs and announcements. KESTER FURN, EQUIPT, CO. R. E. Kester, Mgr.
WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT--A house, preferable or apartment for myself and wife. Can give best references. Billy Stahl Phone 1879-J. WANTED TO RENT Urgently needed by man, wife, and 1 children, OF room house or apartment, or what have you, in vicinity of Northumberland or Sunbury. Man has responsible position with new industry here, Willing to pay top rent and maintain a state of repair on honse.
Best of references. Phone 2160 W. PART TIME OFFICE GIRL WANTED To work on office records, file price lists and handle correspondence. Interesting store work provides good pay and valuable experience. J.
C. PENNEY CO. LOST- Strayed or cat, child's pet, after ten o'clock Reward for finder information leading Line street, Phone stolen a large black disappeared sometime last Saturday night. returning or giving to its return to 1142 519-J. For Sale--Automobiles FOR SALE Army steel station wagon, Can be seen at Wendt's Electrio Store, Hummels, Wharf.
USED CARS 1948 GMO dump tag 1942 Chevrolet Trailco truck with dump 1941 Diamond T. sleeper cab 1940 International DS 50 tractor 1989 Chevrolet tag 1989 International cab and chassis tag 1939 Federal long wheelbase tag 1989 GMC small stake tag 1987 International coal body tag 1987 Diamond long wheelbase tag Also new Diamond trucks and ley cars in stock. These used trucks may be seen anytime on the Used Car Lot on old Danville road. Mordan and Johnson, Bloomsburg, Pa, Phone 1680. ALLENWOOD USED CAR EXCHANGE On Route No.
15 1947 Plymouth Coupe 1947 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1941 Chevrolet 2-door 1941 Ford convertible coupe 1940 Packard convertible coupe 1989 Chevrolet 2-door 1941 DeSoto club coupe 1942 Plymouth 4-door sedan 1941 Ford 2-door You don't need cash. We finance through local company General Acceptance Corporation, Sunbury, 8. V. Stewart, Manager. USED CARS For the best deal in used cars, come to Sunbury Used Car Sales.
1946 Plymouth club coupe 1942 Dodge 4-door 1941 Chrysler 4-door 1941 Ford 2-door 1941 Chevrolet 2-door 1940 Buick Super convertible 1940 Ford convertible 1939 Ford 2-door 510 Market Sunbury, Pa. Phone 2964. Open 1:30 A. M. to 8:80 P.
FOR SALE -1935 Packard 4-door sedan, radio and heater in A-1 condition, Inquire at 258 Duke Northumberland, PONTIAC, 1940, 6 cyl, DeLuxe 4-door trunk sedan. Good black paint, 4 practically new tires, equipped with radio and heater, motor recently overhauled, excellent family car. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg. (Open Eves.) CHEVROLET, 1942 Special DeLuxe 4- door sedan, beautiful light blue paint, good mechanical condition, priced right, ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg, (Open Eves.) PONTIAC, 1937, 8 cyl. 2-door trunk 60- dan, black finish, good motor and tires, Radio and heater, priced to sell quick.
ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg, (Open Eves.) PACKARD, 1941, model 110, six cyl, 5- pass. club coupe. Radio and heater, Practically new tires. Attractive dark green finish. Mechanically A-1.
ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg, (Open Eves.) FORD, 1942, V-8 "DeLuxe" four-door touring sedan. Beautiful black paint, Radio and heater. tires. Clean interior. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg.
(Open Eves.) STUDEBAKER, 1946, "Champion" 6 cyl. four-door cruising sedan, Light grey paint. Radio, air heating and cooling unit, fog lamps, many other accessories, 15,000 miles. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg. (Open Eves.) BUICK, 1941, "Special" four-door touring sedan.
Lustrous black paint. Radio, heater and spotlight. Good tires, Perfect family car. ABE HARRIS, Mitflinburg. (Open Eves.) STUDEBAKER, 1942, "Champion" 6 cyl, four -door cruising sedan.
heater and, over-drive. Excellent tires. Light tan finish in perfect condition. See this value today. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg, (Open Eves.) BUICK, 1946, "Roadmaster" 70 series, four-door sedan.
Radio, heater, custom Nylon seat covers. Porcelainized undercoating. Beautiful black finish. Must see to appreciate. ABE HARRIS, Mifflinburg.
(Open Eves.) CROSLEY, 1947, two-door sedan, Radio and heater, 2800 actual miles. Powerful "Copper Cobra" 4 cyl. engine, will age 45-50 miles per gallon of gasoline, Priced $200.00 under list. ABE HARRIS, Miffilnburg. (Open Eves.) I FOR SALE-1986 Ford 2-door sedan, new motor, good tires, price $850, Glenn Hanselman, Mifflinburg, 2.
Phone 6-8612. FOR SALE OR TRADE-1987 er dump truck 3 yard body, 825-20 tires. Inexcellent condition. Call 2911J after 4 o'clock or see Melvin A. Helm, Stonington, Pa.
FOR SALE--Model Ford panel. Fair rubber, good If you need a cheap truck, Poor clutch. Ira Sheesley, 414 Orange Selinsgrove, R. C. EGAN MOTORS "Not The Biggest But The Best" 1946 Ford Fordor sedan 1946 Ford Tudor sedan 1942 Ford Tudor sedan 1942 Dodge Recon.
car 1941 Ford Fordor sedan 1941 Ford Tudor sedan 1941 Buick "Special" Fordor sedan 1941 Mereury Bus. coupe 1941 Dodge Tudor sedan 1940 Dodge ton S. W.8. 1940 Mercury Con. coupe 1939 Dodge Fordor sedan 1989 Mercury Fordor sedan 1939 Chevrolet Tudor sedan 1988 Ford Tudor sedan 1937 Ford Fordor sedan 1987 Ford Tudor sedan 1936 Ford 1 ton 8.
W.B, 300 N. 2nd St. Phone 2918 Open Evenings until 9 o'closk FOR SALE 1988 Chevrolet sedan 4-door 1941 Chevrolet 2-door 1941 Indian motorcycle 1986 Ford sedan 4-door 1935 Ford coupe 1934. Dodge coupe 1984 Long wheelbase Ford truck, very good One new 2-wheel factory made trailer 1942 Plymouth club sedan A 1987 Buick sedan Also a lot of other good ased cars to pick from. AUTO RANCH D.
1. Selinsgrove Phone MALE HELP WANTED WANTED-Male dishwasher, salary $80 per month. Meal furnished while on duty, Immediate employment, Apply in person to Hotel Edison. WANTED Local general agent for socident and health insurance company, complete line, unusual opportualty. Bor 441, Philadelphia 6, Pennsylvania.
WANTED -Honest and reliable gas and service station attendant. Inquire at Enso Service Station, 1816 East Market Sunbury or residence 1804 East Market street. WANTED -Man to make heating survey and learn heating business, Guaranteed salary while learning. Should have Write letter to Box care of Dally Item. WANTED Experienced man boy work on farm by the month, Good Must give reference.
Write Box care of Daily Item. MEN pants suits now available. Also extra separate pants, All wool tallered to measure. See Mr. Lewis, 816 Walnut St.
Phone 1150. WANTED- married men with cars (no canvessing) who want a permanent position with rapid promotions, for those that quality, Complete training fret. Your earnings start an seen an accepted. Our men ex-servicemen of ranks) are earning between 100 and per week, Write stating time of day you can be Interviewed, Century Metal. craft Corp.
Box No. 11 care of Dally Item. WANTED--Man to work farm. Steady work and year round Job for right man. R.
P. Brown, Port Trerarion. LEGAL ADVERTISING DIVORCE NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY TO RICHARD GORDON LUNSFORD: Whereas June Irene Lunsford, your wite, has fled a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, No. 114. May Term 1947, praying a divorce from you, now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before Monday, the 80th, day of June 1947, to answer the complaint of the said June Irene Lunsford and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce granted in your absence.
ROBERT L. MINNICH Sheriff Northumberland County Sheriff's Office Court House, Sunbury, Penna. May 29, 1947. DIVORCE NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY TO EMILY PIA: Whereas Joe B. Pia, your husband, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, No.
203 February Term 1947, praying divorce. from you, now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before Monday, the 23rd. day of June 1947, to answer the complaint of the said Joe B. Pie and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorce, granted in your absence. ROBERT L.
MINNICH, Sheriff. Northumberland County. Sherif's Office Court House Sunbury, Penna, May 22, 1947. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE IN RE: Estate of LILLIE V. HERROLD, late of the Oity of Sunbury, Nortuhmberland County, Pennsylvania, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the Estate of LILLIE V. HERROLD, late of the City, County and State aforesaid, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to MABEL LOCKARD, 134 W. Main Street, Bloomsburg, Penna, W. J.
B. BLOOM, 401-408 Bitter Sunbury, Penna. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of EMMA R. DUNKELBERGER Deceased. Letters testamentary on the estate of Emma R.
Dunkelberger, late of the City of Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or demands, will make known the same without delay. HANNAH M. DUNKELBERGER, 910 Edison Sunbury, Executrix. Earl M. Roush, Attorney Bittner Bldg, Sunbury, Pa.
DIVORCE NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY TO HENRY H. WESNER; Whereas Carrie C. Wesner, your wife, has filed a libel in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, No. 151 February Term 1947; praying divorce from you, now you are hereby notified and required to appear in said Court on or before Monday, the 28rd. day of June, 1947, to answer the complaint of the said Carrie C.
Wesner and in default of such appearance you will be liable to have divorce granted in your absence. ROBERT L. MINNICH, Sheriff Northumberland County Court House Sunbury, Penna, May 20, 1947 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE In re: Estate of GEORGE 0. HOOVER, late of the Borough of Northumberland, County of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' letters testamentary in the estate of GEORGE O.
HOOVER, late of the Boro. of Northumberland, County of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them without delay to the undersigned. FRANCIS L. SHAFFER, Executor R.
D. 1, Northumberland, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration in the estate of PETER LATSHA, late of Upper unta township, Northumberland County, deceased, having been granted the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make settlement and those having claims to present them to the undersigned without delay, WILSON SHEETZ, Administrator. Witmer Rice, Attorney, BIDS WANTED The Franklin Twp, School Board will receive sealed bids for sixty (60) tons of mined egg coal to be delivered in the Franklin Twp, Schools. Ench load must be weighed be certified Weigh Master.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, Bids to be in the hands of the Seeretary no later than 6 M. EDT, July 1947, Franklin Twp. School Board, W. W. Hackenberg.
Paxtonville, Pa. WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY-1941 Chevrolet club coupe, Will pay top price. Write letter to Box "26" care of Daily Item. WANTED TO BUY -Highest cash prices paid for 1947 Cadillac, Buick, Pontine, Oldsmobile, DeSota, Dodge, Plymouth, Ford and Chevrolet cars. Also pickup trucks and good clean used tires, Buyer for Tess Dealer, Edward Bebenek, Elysburg, Pa, Phone Elysburg 2077, call between 4 and 9 p.
m. ANTIQUES -Furniture, glass, china, bis. que figurenes, -coal oll lights, dolls, old buttons, a drawer high sinks. Plense write W. A.
Blacksmith, R. D. 1, Mechanicsburg, Pa. WANTED TO BUY-Cabin or cottage in the Winkelblecht Mountains, Must be reasonably priced and In good condition. Write Box care: of Sunbury Daily Item giving full particolars and price.
WANTED TO BUY PAPER, RAGS, IRON AND SCRAP METALS Highest Prices Paid Before selling, call or write to C. KOONS SCRAP DEALER BOX 611 Sunbury, Pa, or phone Office 2759-J or yard 2352 No Charge for Truck Service WANTED TO BUY- -PAPER, RAGS, IRON, SCRAP METALS AND CARD. BOARD. CASH PAID, CALL BILL MAN'S, PHONE 919-R SUNBURY, WANTED TO BUT- -Clean cotton rags. Nothing less than 10" square Sonbery Dally Item, WANTED TO BUY-Good wand farale furs, beaters, coal ranges, peta, antique dishes.
No amount too large or 100 small We will pay top prices on good need furniture Harrison' Pare sitere Store, 118 Market 86. Phone 1481 Pa. WANTED TO BUY and TRUCKS -Any make or models good or bad. Highest prices paid by Sunbury Aute Wreckers, along road, 1 ent of Phose WANTED TO BUT-Furniture, steven, rugs, carpela, entire households, anticurious eta. We pay the highest price goods in new condition.
We will bay out right or sell on commission, let too large for so to bandie Phone write fer appraisement. Lester Paral. and 04, 1 Met, LOST--Boy's wrist watch on Susquehanna University golf course. If found please notify 0. M.
Cook, 638 North Eighth street, Selinsgrove, phone 264-W. Hosiery Mill Opening At Turbotville Aug. 1 Turbotville Hosiery Mill will begin full time operations August 1, according to Arthur Hosch and Harry Lein, of New York City, proprietors. Machinery is being moved in at the present time and part-time production will begin shortly. The mill will employ a- bout 40 persons.
HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs. Harold Swanger, Montandon, was admitted to Geisinger Hospital, Danville, Thursday evening. IMPROVES SATISFACTORILY Mrs. Merrill Bingaman, Mifflinburg, is improving satisfactorily from a sprained left ankle received in a recent fall. AT CONVENTION Charles Fitzpatrick, Trevorton postmaster, is attending the annual convention of the State Postmaster's Association which, opened Friday at Wilkes- J.
C. EHRLICH CO. Will Have A Man At THE NEFF HOTEL On Wednesday, June 11th, from 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. to Interview Applicants interested in Representing Us Locally.
In a brokers office there was the buyer and seller of a valuable piece of Real Estate. The deal was closed. The buyer then I will have to sell MY property now to settle this off," The broker offered his services if they were needed or desired, He was informed, however, that the owner would like to try to sell it himself if possible, Well--says the man who had just sold his property--I think it pays to use a broker--they save a great deal of my time-relieve me of many annoying details and I surely feel that the service is well worth the fee charged. 0.K., says the other owner, addressing the broker, it is in YOUR hands. The second sale was speedily completed and both deals settled on consecutive days with hand shakes and expressions of good will and satisfaction from all.
There are SEVERAL good Real Estate brokers in the community--they HAVE something to offer you. Call in your broker to BUY or SELL property. It is the easy MODERN way, V. M. CRUIKSHANK PHONE 1608 FOR SALE--Property consisting of new building and 8 cabins with gas station along Route 11 between Danville and Bloomsburg.
Good opportunity for right party, Call Danville 553-J-1 or write Mr. Jesse Shultz, R. D. 4, Danville. FOR SALE- At Sampsel Dam Penn Creek store, lunch, game room, kitchen and hot water, with 2nd floor Apt.
5 rooms and bath, hard wood floors, venetian Blinder, Call Lewisburg 6-7811, FOR SALE-Bungalow with all modern conveniences. Hot heat, electric range, electric water heater. Ineluding 2 lots 50x180, garden already planted. On hard surface road, 1 mile from school. Harold L.
Thetcher, R. D. 1, Northumberland (near Atlantic bulk plant), FOR SALE -Modern brick building with all modern conveniences consisting of apartments, store room, post office in same building. Hot water heat, private water supply, 8 car garage, cold storage cellar. Olivia B.
Sholley, Port Trevorton, Pa. FOR SALE-15 acre farm, 1 room house, 2 good wells, 800 fruit trees, 2 miles from Lewisburg. Electrie lights and telephone. 8 acres of alfalfa, 2 acres of wheat, 2-story chicken house, Also Guernsey COW with calf by side. Lewlaburg, R.
8, J. 0. Yarger. Phone 5-4558, Lewisburg, FOR SALE--Lots for sale, Mile Hill road. Inquire at first house to left goIng up hill.
Mrs. Mary Geise. Prices reasonable, Very beautiful scenery. Road open all winter. 10 minute drive from Sunbury, FOR SALE--Duplex apartment, five rooms and bath down, four rooms and bath up.
Hot water heating system. 50 gal, electric water heater. stall garage. Immediate possession, Phone 168-R, TO BUY OR SELL Estate Burl Leitsel, Realtor, Trevorton, Pa. Phone 186B.
FOR SALE--Improved enty property, farms, and other real estate. Vernon Snyder, Realtor, 186 Bainbridge street. Telephone 881. Member Northumberland County Board of Realtors. Member National Association of Insurance FOR SALE-4 19-roome 1 family houses 873-875 So.
Second St. and 219-281 Spruce Sunbury, Phone Mandata 883Y, A Phillips, Pillow, Pa. FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED- Waitresses over 21 years of AgO. Immediate employment, Apply In person. Hotel Edison.
WANTED woman for house work and to help with children in small apartment. Steady employment. Call 1661-J. WANTED Bookkeeper at modern age. Brook Park Motors, West Market St, Lewlabors.
WANTED- Widow, rood housekeeper past middle age, desires housekeeping for one person, prefer good home to high wager. Write Box care of Dally Item. WANTED for night work only 11 p. m. to 1 A m.
Apply at Shell Diner, or call Selinagrove WANTED- over 11. Apply at Steffen's, 100 Market 8t. Sunbury. FOR RENT FOR RENT-1 large rooms, frat floor, business section. 800 Chestnut 8t, Mitflisbore, Pa.
Phone 4-245. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front bed room suitable for man and wife. men or 1 women. Must furnish best of reference. Centrally located, Phone 1 FURNITURE AND RUGS REVIVED, MOTH-IMMUNIZED, CLEANED IN YOUR HOME Use Same Day.
Certified Service. DURACLEAN SERVICE SUNBURY' Phone 2643-J CAN YOU SELL We are in need of extra Salesgirls for Saturday selling Interesting store Work provides good pay and valuable experience 8 hour day. J. C. PENNEY CO.
State Inspections Wheel Balancing Brakes Relined FIRESTONE STORES 5th Arch Sts. Phone 1180 SUNBURY WASTE PAPER 818 N. 5th St. Phone 2858-R CO. We Buy Rags, Cotton Mattresses, Scrap Iron Metals WANTED TO BUY We will Pay More for your USED CAR Any Make, Model or Condition Also Wrecked Cars Wanted THE AUTO RANCH R.
D. SELINSGROVE PHONE 176-R-9 CLOTHING MAN WANTED We are in need of Salesman in our Men's and Clothing Department Good salary and bonus for man with ability. J. C. PENNEY CO..