The Morning Press from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

4 4 4 4 TEN HE MORNING PRESS, -BLOOMSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA TUESDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1950 The Markets Gains Fade in Late Selling Trading Closes Substantially Unchanged; GrahamPaige, Armour at Highs New -York, Oct. 23 (P)-Early gains made today in the stock market were too feeble to withstand a last minute light selling attack. they faded As a consequence away for the most part unchanged leaving the stock market about on balance over a range of $1.50 either way. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks was unchanged.

at $84.70. Industrials 1 in the average lost 20 cents and rails advanced were down 10 cents. Utilities 20 cents. Out of. the 1,166 individual issues traded, gains and losses were almost evenly balanced-447 up.

and 459 down. There were, however, 96 new highs for the year established on the up side and only 2 new lows were touched. The volume of business came to 1,850,000 shares against. 840,000 on Friday, not too big a day. The holding company, GrahamPaige, was the most active issue up at while Armour Co.

was second off at 11, and U. 8. Steel third up at Others going higher included Standard Steel Sprinig up divi- at. (after an increased cash dend. Land a stock dividend), Publicker 1 at Anderson Prichard Oil at 33, Commercial Solvents at Crucible Steel at Schenley 1 at American Cyanamid at American Smelting 1 at Union Pacific at and Consolidated Edison at 2 29.

Lower were General Motors off at Studebaker at Goodyear at Sears Roebuck at Boeing at Zenith at 55, American Woolen at 33, New York Central at Standard Oil (NJ). at 86. Paramount at 21 and U. 8. Gypsum at The curb market was a little higher including Niles Bement, Raytheon, National Union Radio, Louisiana Land, Lionel Ford Motor of Canada Cuban Atlantic Sugar, Consolidated Mining Smelting, Barium Steel, and American Mfg.

In the bond market corporate loans were slightly, lower. Bank eligible governments were higher in the over the counter market. New York Eggs New York, Oct. 23 (P)-Egg prices were higher today in the wholesale market. Eggs (2 days receipts) 21,375, firm.

New York spot quotations follow: (Extra fancy heavyweight quotations generally are based largely on exchange trading.) Whites: extra fancy heavyweights 65-66; fancy heavyweights 62-63, others large 59-61; mediums 45-46; pullets 37-38. Browns: extra fancy heavyweights 60-61; fancy heavyweights 58-59, others large 56-57; mediums 45; pullets 37-38. Philadelphia Eggs Philadelphia, Oct. 23 (AP) -(U SDA) -Eggs. Market steady to firm.

Receipts 6375. Wholesale grades: min 10-15 per cent AA quality, large white 65-67, browns 60-61: mediums, whites 46, browns 60-61; mediums, whites 46, browns 45. New York Poultry New York, Oct. 23 -Live poultry irregular. By freight: none.

By express: fowls, black yearlings 28-30, one mark 30-32, extra fancy 32-34, bareback 31- 32, heavy 26-29, scabby 25-27; Rock yearlings few 26, extra fancy 29; Leghorns 21-23; Red yearlings extra fancy 30, scabby 26. Pullets, Crosses 5 lbs and up. 40-42, few 43, one mark 44, scabby 40, 5 lbs and up hormonized some 45, 5 lbs 40, few 43, 4 1-2 lbs 35-36, few 37, 4 4 1-2 Ibs hormonized 35, 3 1-2 4 lbs 28-30: CHICKS CHICKS FOR SALE Baby Chicks, blood tested, New Hampshire Reds, Rock Crosses, Barred Rocks. White Leg. horns and Mixed Chix Price list on request Stevens Poultry Farm, Box 40, Elizabethtown.

S8-ti Bade CHICKS 8. Approved, Pullorum Clean White Leghorns Crosses New Hampshires DAN'S HATCHERY BENTON 'PHONE 2502 Keep Your Chicks or Chickens Free from Disease by using Moyex one-half strength every two weeks in their drinking water. MOYEX POULTRY PREPARATION, Nor -poisonous Controls Coccidiosis, Newcastle. Bronchitis, Colds, Blue Comb and other chicken diseases. Also Blackheads in Turkeys 6-02.

750 QUARTS $3.00 GALLONL $10.00 MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE Ask for it at your dealer or teed mill or write direct tor E. L. MOYER INC. Bloomsbure. Pa.

blacks 5 lbs and up 37-39, 4 -1-2 5 lbs 34-36. 4 41-2 lbs scabby 32; Rocks 5 lbs and up one mark 45. 4 1-2 5 lbs fancy 42, average 39- 40; Reds 4 1-2 5 lbs 36, ordinary 33; White Rocks 3 lbs 30-31. Crosses nearby and New England few 26-27, very few 28; Rocks very fancy 30-32, others 27-28, few 30, low as 26. Turkeys, hens 40-43, few 45; toms, few 31-33.

New York Butter a New York, Oct. 23 (P) -Butter (2 days, receipts) 423,624, easy. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons. Creamery, higher than 92 score (AA) 64 1-2 cents; 92 score (A) 63 3-4 64; 90 Score- (B) 89 score (C) 60 1-2. Lancaster Livestock Lancaster, Oct.

23 (P)- Cattle 2904, fairly liberal of fat cattle on sale; calves 579, light run of vealers, market stronger on all grades, supply not equal 1 to demand; hogs 1123, re: ceipts light for active trade, prices fully steady with last week' close. Sows scarce; sheep 405, moderate receipts of lambs, all grades in demand. OFFER 3 WILLS TO PROBATE HERE (Continued from Page One) Coxe, and a granddaughter, Ruth Lidyard. The granddaughter is also to receive specific personal property. Executors are the daughter, Edith Hess, and a son-in-law, Donald B.

Sands. Dated March 16, 1937, the will was witnessed by S. R. Bidleman and William Chrisman, both now deceased. The Bidleman signature was attested by William A.

Lank and Asher H. Welker, and the Chrisman signature by R. O. Brockway and C. W.

Dickson. Rhodes Estate The Rhodes will divides the estate into two equal shares with share left to a daughter, Margaret Rhodes Wigmore, of Philadelphia. The remaining share 1s left in trust with the Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia Trust company for the support of a son, Robert. HUNTING -NOTICES NOTICE Positively no hunting or trespassing tre my premises in Scott and S. CenTownship.

E. Eugene Whitenight. 023-6t NOTICE Positively no hunting or trespassing on my premises in Bloomsburg. Eugene M. Yurkovsky.

019-20-21-26-27-28-30-31. NOTICE Positively no hunting or trespassing on my premises in Moutour -county. Cooper township. Paul Pursel, Dan ville R. 5, 017-21-24-28-30.

NOTICE Positively no hunting or trespassing on my premises during small game season in Beaver township. RALPH MOSER 021-28-30-31. NOTICE Positively no hunting on my premises in Catawissa township. JUNIOR SAMUEL HOWER 028-3t. LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Elmer E.

Hagehbuch late of Scott Columbia county, deceased. Nortice is hereby given that letters testamentry in the above named estate have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons owing said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against it to make known the same without delay. Bloomsburg Bank-Columbia Trust Co. Mrs. Lizzie Hagenbuch Executor J.

ATLEE CRYDER Attorney 017-24-31 REGISTER'S NOTICE Notice hereby given all heirs, executors "and others interested, the following accounts have, been filed in the office of the Register of Wills of Columbia County for confirmation ni si Monday, November 6, 1950 at 10:00 M. No. 66, CHAMBERS--First and Final Account of Administratrix, Estate of William G. Chambers, late of Berwick. No.

67, BODINE -First and Final Account of Administratrix, Estate of W. Bodine, late of Bloomsburg. No. 68, IKELER-First and Final Account of Executor, Estate of Hettie J. Ikeler, late of Bloomsburg.

No. 69, WEIR--First and Final Account of Guardian, Estate of Duane Weir, late a minor. No. 70, De First and Final Account of Administrator, Estate of George C. DeWald, late of Madison Township.

No. 71, FLEMING -First and Final Account of Administrator, Estate of Bertha M. Fleming, late of Millyille. Walter H. Myers, Register.

10-17-24-31 Upon the son's death, that share reverts to the daughter. The bank is also named executor in the testament, dated September 24, 1947, and witnessed by Mary Jane Clark and Hervey B. Smith. Included in the estate is the south half of a double dwelling located Jefferson street. Crawford.

Will Mrs. Crawford, in her will, leaves her estate in three equal shares 3 -to Samuel D. Lord, of Bloomsburg R. D. Carl Lord, of Bloomsburg and Leah Ingersoll, of Williamsport.

The estate includes ten acres of land in Mt. Pleasant township. Hervey B. Smith named executor in the will dated. August 12, 1948, witnessed by Barbara A.

Gensemer and Elizabeth E. Leighou. Lutheran Class Meets The Ladjes Adult Bible Class of the St. Matthew Lutheran Church enjoyed a covered dish supper at their quarterly meeting Friday evening at the church. A business meeting and program of entertainment followed.

Those present were Mrs. Mary Kashner, Mrs. Manbeck, Mrs. Curtis Logan, the Rev. and Mrs.

Edgar Ziegler, Betsy Ziegler, Mrs. A. H. Gennaria, Mrs. John W.

Harman, Mrs. Freas Kistler, Mrs. Harry Utt, Mrs. N. A.

Yeany, Mrs. Selma Riggs, Miss Dora Mowrey, Mrs. Ada Mausteller, Sister Edna McVicker, Mrs. Harry Broadt, Miss Martha Weaver, Mrs. Frank Kashner, Mrs.

Fred E. Walter, Mrs, Charles Kistler, Mrs. Edna P. Askew. If there are a few slices of canned pineapple left over, team them with ripe bananas for a delicious salad.

Serve on salad greens with mayonnaise or French dressing. LIKE TO YOU! you A-l Today's USED Specials CARS 6 '47 DODGE TRUCK TRUCKS Body Trina Hoist. $895 1947 DIAMOND Jord Chasis and Cab. $750 1946 FORD Call Stake Body $750 2495 Mousenick Motor Co. "The House of Service" East Street and New Berwick Highway Bloomsburg BIG SAVINGS IN USED FARM MACHINERY LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ONE JOHN DEERE STARTER Lights, Hydraulic Lift, 2-Way Plow and Cultivators F12 FARMALL on rubber, with cultivators, excellent condition G.

I. CORN PICKER Used One Season 1 MANURE SPREADER 1 WW TRIPLATE HAMMERMILL Housenick Motor Co. 'The House of Service" East Main Streets Phone 430 Bloomsburg IT TAKES TWO PAINT PRODUCTS TO PAINT YOUR HOUSE RIGHT! ASK ABOUT THE MARTIN- SENOURE MONARCH TWO PRODUCT SYSTEM MARTIN The The Primer Finish for Coat for sealing, protection hiding and and priming, SENDUR color beauty. lasting MONARCH 'DEPENDABLE PROTECTION LASTING BEAUT' PROVED ECONOMY lac Cleat 636 1967 Berwick Road Bloomsbuce PAINTERS DECORATORS USE THE I CLASSIFIED FOR RESULTS They're Read By 40,000 People Daily Terms Payable In Advance Classifieds Accepted Until 5:30 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT RATES Consecutive Days One Three Six Up $.40 90 $1.60 45 1.15 1.80 1.25 2.00 .55 1:40 2.20 .80 1.50 2.40 1.65 2.60 .70 1.75 2.80 1.90% 3.00 Up 2.00 3.20 Up to 60 2.15 3.40 All classified advertising must be paid for before publication.

Each abbreviation or initial counts as one word as does each group of figures. Each line of white space charged same rate as the line of type. No advertisement accepted for less than the price of 15 words. -consecutive insertions take one-day rate Advertisement requiring box number or apply to The Morning Press will carry an additional ten-cent charge for clerical work. Errors in advertising must be reported immediately The Morning Press will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion.

INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS Your job. Free catalogue describing 400 business and technical courses. Approved for veterans. Write International Correspondence Schools, Box 1646, Scranton, Pa. Local Box 235, Bloomsburg, Pa.

021-1 mo. LOST-Pair male hounds, white and tan spotted, other blue tick, limp in back leg, in vicinity of White Hall. Reward. Notify Chester Hess, Benton R. 1.

Phone Huntington Mills 2275. 021-3t. fox hound at Round Top, Madison township. With license and name plate. Finder phone 912-R-15.

024-3t by local car owner who sold his used car before first conacting Housenick's A-1 Used Car! Lot. Phone 2495, 011-tt. BUSINESS SERVICE LOST Guaranteed work, 2-day service on mattresses rebuilt equal to new at low cost. We call for and deliver. Call Hazleton.

Mattress Company, $395 collect, or write 202-204 Wyoming street, Hazleton. 86-t! BUSINESS SERVICE Exterminating of all type insects and rodents. Over 20 years experience. J. C.

Ehrlich 932 W. Second Hazleton, Pa. Phone 6717. 07-tt. FOR SALE FOR SALE McIntosh, Deliclous, Winesap, Baldwins, Spy's, Rome Beauty's, Grimes Golden.

These ples are picked and in storage at your convenience. Cider by gallon or barrel. Eugene Wagner Orchards, 2 northwest of Buckhorn and '3 miles east of Caseville. Also at fruit stand at Mordan Johnson Used Car Lot on New Bloomsburg Berwick highway. 020-1 mo.

FOR SALE-Apples and cider. Place your order now for Thursday and Friday delivery each week W. K. Miller, on Route 242 from East Bloomsburg to Catawissa. 07-tf.

FOR SALE--Are you having magneto trouble? If so, call Bloomsburg 1500. Our complete magneto service department is at your service. Columbia Aircraft Services, Bloomsburg Municipal Airport, at J16-tt. FOR SALE--Buildings to be removed. See James F.

Hummel, Millville. Large planing mill building, 35x40. Frame. Large saw mill building, 20x60. Aluminum roof.

Frame. Lumber shed, 12x16, on skids. Frame. Office building. 12x14, on skids.

Frame. Garage, Frame. 024-3t FOR SALE -Brass bed and springs $5.00. 546 W. First phone 021-3t FOR SALE Choice evergreens.

Now the time to plant. Harder's Nursery, 210 North Fourth street, wissa. Phone 3631. 9-20-tt FOR SALE--Coal range, coal and gas range and gas range. All new at reduced prices.

Wm. me Ludwig, 333 W. Fifth st. 021-3t FOR SALE-Close out of Louden stalls and stanchions. Save Terms cash.

Neil S. Harrison, Forks, Pa. 018-6t. FOR SALE--Clearance on hunting coats $6.49, matching pants $395. We issue hunting licences.

Western Auto. Market Square, Bloomsburg. 023-6t FOR SALE--Corn shredders. Get your order placed now. Price advance Nov.

1st. We can deliver for $375.00 on used rubber this week only. Call Orangeville 8-R-4. Nell S. Harrison, Forks, Pa.

023-3t FOR SALE-Electric roaster with pans, gas heater, like new, canner, 1 dozen glasses, 2 plate electric stove. Phone 1013. 021-3t FOR SALE Eleven nice pigs, week old, One good pair sorrel horses, weight 3200. Would make good team in woods. Four tons loose hay, Eleven acres props.

Harry Kile, Bloomsburg R. 4, near Orangeville. 024-6t. FOR SALE--Farm tractor tires. truck tires.

All sizes in stock. Shuman's Service Station. 10-11-tr FOR SALE--Fine monuments. Lowest prices. Buy direct and save.

Catawissa Monument Works. Karl D. Prop. 428 Mill St. Phone 3686.

J18-14. FOR SALE--Five room house, end South Second street bridge, Catawissa. Howard Davis, Catawissa, Call after 1:30. 024-6t. BLOOMSBURG GLASS CO.

GLASS SUPPLIERS Auto Glass. Plate Glass, Mirrors Glass Blocks 1001 E. 7th St. Phone 2311 BLOOMSBURG FOR SALE hounds. Choice of Wallace W.

Eves, Millville, 024-3t FOR SALE--Four wheel farm wagon. Cheap. Manley Greenly, Millville R. 2. Phone 4761, 024-3t.

FOR SALE--Gray Kroll folding carriage. Storm shield. Good "condition. Reasonable. Boy's blue snow suit.

12 mo. Like new. Call Danville 36-R-1. 024-3t. FOR SALE-Heatrola, maple dresser, maple crib, china closets, small dining room suite.

We buy and sell. Give us call. Hoyt's Used Furniture. 48 E. Pine avenue, rear Penneys.

024-6t. FOR SALE-House. All conveniences. Other outbuildings. acres land, acres timber.

W. Creasy. Phone 338-J-2. 021-3t. FOR SALE--If you are interested in reasonably priced dwelling, here are two you should check on.

8 room dwelling, hot air furnace, over acre of land, small barn situate on River Hill overlooking the airport. Cost $4200. For less than $30.00 per month you can have your own home through Vet Admr. financing. If you want in town I have 10 room dwelling in Catawissa that requires little decoration for $4750.00.

Act quickly. C. M. Lutz, Realtor, Bloomsburg. 021-3t FOR SALE-Lawn rakes 50c, furnace shovels $1.25, hunting coats and pants, warm fall and winter- jackets, shoes at the old low prices and very many other items.

Surplus. Store, on new Bloomsburg highway. Open til 9 p. m. 024-6t FOR SALE -New Idea corn picker, prompt B.

Low Son, Inc. Phone Orangeville 14. 023-4t FOR SALE Oliver row crop 70 tractor. Firestone refrigerator, 8 cu. ft.

Cook stove. Room heater. John Vought, Mainville, 024-31. FOR SALE used WC 2 row mounted corn picker. H.

B. Low Son, Inc. Phone Orangeville 14. 023-4t FOR SALE--Potatoes. Large Katahdins, 75c, bushel.

Bring containers. Delmar Hoagland, Catawissa R. 1. Phone Numidia 2511. 024-3t.

FOR SALE--Roper gas range. Stair Sales and Service, 516 W. Main street. 021-3t. FOR SALE Rabbit hound, and ready to go.

Bruce Hartman, Bloomsburg R. 1, near Jerseytown. 021-3t. FOR SALE-Rishel dining room suite. Two-tone walnut.

Excellent condition. 317 W. Main street. 024-3t FOR SALE -Reconditioned Allis model tractor. Priced right.

H. B. Low Son, Inc. Phone Orangeville 14. 023-4t FOR SALE Ripe and green tomatoes.

Bring your own baskets. Call after four. Joe Reece, Forks, Orangeville R. 1. 020-4t.

FOR SALE -See James F. Hummel, Millville, Pa. Large assortment of log chains, tools, log booms, woods equipment. 024-3t. FOR SALE-Small house, large lot.

Immediate possession. H. E. Shaffer, Old Berwick road. FOR SALE Six lots located along Old Berwick highway.

Kish-baugh Auto Wreckers, road. Phone 9155. 020-6t. FOR SALE See James F. Hummel, Millville, Pa.

Craftsman planer. w-2 H. P. motor, 220 volts. Craftsman 8" table saw, 1-2 H.

P. motor, 110 volts, Craftsman 6" jointer H. P. motor, 220 volts. Walker -Turner 16" band saw, w-1-2 H.

P. motor, 220 volts, Walker-Turner drill press, H. P. motor, 220 volts. 024-3t.

FOR SALE Smith apples. Macintosh and Smoke House now at their best. Also dropped and cider apples. Concord grapes by basket or ton. Fresh cider by gallon or barrel.

Bring containers. William Smith, Moore's Hill above Foundryville. Phone Berwick 4933. 021-6t FOR SALE- Tractor Farmall 14 on rubber, with cultivators and plow in good condition. $700.

Call Bloomsburg 1692 after 6 p. m. 024-3t. FOR SALE These axe gifts that people appreciate: African violets, fancy work, what-not, jewelry, miscellaneous items, dry cleaned used clothing for men, women, children. Starting today green stamps given, so shop here where you can save.

Mrs. Stetler, 311 Railroad street. 024-6t. FOR SALE Two apartment house with extra land in Bloomsburg. Return on investment 10 per cent.

Write Box Morning Press. 023-31 FOR SALE--Trespass notices. Apply Morning Press. 10-16-tf. FOR SALE Trespass notices, (wholesale), 25, 50, 100 95.

Orangeville Printing Company, Orangeville, or 265 West Bloomsburg. 023-6t FOR SALE-We have different sizes of used wood storm sash and screen with hardware, seasoned wood, good condition, Bargain price. Ace Storm Window Company, 319 East Street, Bloomsburg. Phone 11:30 to 9:30 a. m.

or 1379W from 10 a. m. all day. 028-6t FOR SALE- 2,000 Red Rock and New Hampshire pullets, 4 months old These birds are from our high eggproducing stock. Free delivery on 25 or more.

Wolte's Hatchery, Bloomsburg R. 5. Phone 2271-J. 816-t FOR SALE 300 New Hampshire Red Starting to lay. Otis E.

Smith, one mile east of Millville. 021-3t. JOHN H.SHUMAN REALTOR INSURANCE 54 East Main Street Bloomsburg, Pa. FOR SALE -37 acre farm. Six room house, bank barn.

Excellent condition. Electricity; never- failing spring water. Roy K. Dieffenbach, Orangeville, 021-3t. FOR SALE, 40 acre farm, house and garage.

Large barn and other buildings. Running water in the house. Half: mile from Rupert: $3000 for quick sale to settle an estate. Inquire Howard R. Berninger, attorney-atlaw, 175 Center street, Bloomsburg.

024-27 FOR SALE-4 room house. Ideal for family, A real bargain. $3100. Apply 345 Pine avenue. '024-3t.

FOR RENT FOR RENT -Floor sanders and wallpaper steamers. We can also, supply all the necessary materials for floor refinishing. Appleman's, 244 Jefferson street, Bloomsburg. M28-tt. FOR RENT- Four rooms and bath apartment, second floor, new.

Address care Morning Press. 023-3t FOR RENT Half small double house, near business section. 4 rooms, bath, heat, hot water. Address AA C-0 Morning Press. 024-3t.

FOR RENT-One furnished bedroom, steam heated. Gentleman preferred. Phone 2465. 423 East Fourth. 024-3t FOR RENT -Room near Square.

All conveniences. Reference. 151 W. First. Phone 864-W, 021-3t FOR RENT -Store same size basement in the Andrea Theatre building.

Apply or call Andrea Theatre, Catawissa. M18-tt FOR RENT- -Small, 3 room apartment. Two furnished bedrooms. 150 N. Third street, Catawissa, 021-3t FOR RENT-Two first floor apartments.

John Vought, Mainville. 024-3t FOR RENT--Third floor apartment. Three bath. 4 W. Eighth street.

Apply first floor. 019-6t. FOR RENT- Two rooms and bath. private entrance--heat light and hot water furnished. Also garbage disposal taken care of.

Along main highway. in Briar Creek. Call 3432. $33. Mrs.

Daisy M. Johnson. Berwick, Pa. 023-2t WANTED WANTED--Be hides, tron, rags, all kinds of junk. Phone 5491 Catawissa Jacob Liptzer.

A 8 MTW tf. WANTED Bell Telephone Company has available positions in struction and installation for men age 24 to 28; high school graduates; applications taken October 24th, 1950 12 noon to 7 p. m. at Bell Telephone garage and warehouse. Old Danville road next the Mordan and Johnson's garage.

019-20-21-28 WANTED--Corn to pick with -2 row mechanical husker. Dial Berwick 3065. Ed Yoder. 018-6t WANTED--Cellars, furnaces, dairy barns to clean. Cleaning of any kind by a Paul Ward, Catawissa 5221.

024-6t Top market prices. Laytar Bros. Dial WA hogs, all sizes Berwick 7441. 020-6t. WANTED Dairy farmer for Purebred Ayrshire herd.

River bottom farm on hard road 10 miles from Fine brick home. Wonderful opportunity. Must have references. Apply in person. Charles Stewart, Nisbet, Pa.

Phone Williamsport 3-2973 024-3t. WANTED Experienced beautician, two or three days latter part of week. Address Morning Press. 024-21. WANTED -Girl for restaurant work at Edgewood.

Room and board, plus salary; 024-3t. WANTED-Good, clean, late model used cars. Highest prices paid. We will buy or trade. Call 2495.

Housenick's A-1 Used Car Lot. 011-tf. WANTED Garage to rent in vicinity of Fourth and West streets, Bloomsburg. Call 874. 023-31 WANTED--Hoover electric cleaner repairing.

Free pick up and delivery. Authorized Hoover sales and service. Holter, 365 E. Fifth. Phone 1464-J, or Pennington's store.

019-6t WANTED--Indoor butchering caldron, must be in good condition. Emerson Vincent. Phone 2092-W, Bloomsburg R. 2. 023-3t WANTED--Interior and exterior painting and.

paper hanging. Lester Hoch. Phone Bloomsburg 173-R. 021-3t WANTED--Men or women past 21, are you satisfied with your present earnings. is wonderful opportunity if you are looking for a reer.

Draw against commissions plus renewals. Complete training. Only those meeting. $75 or more week need apply. Call or write Fidelity Mutual Casualty Company of 122-120 W.

Fourth street, Williamsport 2, Pa. Phone 9388, ask for Mr. man. 10-13-12t WANTED-Machanic's helper. Must be mechanically inclined.

Apply G. Smith Motors, 1120 W. Front street, Berwick. No phone calls. 024-tt WALT.

LEWIS FARM 104 West Main St. BUREAU Bloomsburg 2153 Bureau Life Insurance Con Mutual Fire Insurance Ca. Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. G.L.F. GRAIN MARKETING Delivered to Mill 14 per cent moisture basis Barley $1.00 Oats 700' Wheat $1.80 Corn $1.60 G.L.F.

SERVICE, INC. BLOOMSBURG COOP. Phone 538 E. Ninth St. WANTED Mechanic.

Apply R. Smith Motors, 1120 W. Front stre Berwick. No phone calls. 024-tt.

WANTED Single girl for general office work: Steady employment, Write Pennsylvania Power Light Company, Box 480, Bloomsburg, Pa. 024-2t. WANTED Sub let your house until March while vacationing, responsible family, College instructor. Write In structor Morning Press. 024-34 WANTED--To buy corn on the cob R.

M. Edwards, Fleetville, Pa, Phone Factoryville 3066. 020-1mal WANTED--Travel, young men 18-24 Free to travel -East Coast. Florida, Has vana, Cuba. New sedans and conver tibles supplied.

Average earnings per week. Cash advance. Leave imme diately. See Mr. Thomas, Hotel Martha Washington, between 6:30 and 8:30 m.

Do not. phone. 024-34 WANTED Veteran to service used cars and car lot. Experience, prefer red. Apply in person only.

Columbiti Motor Center between 10-4 m. 023-3 WANTED Veteran to take charge of auto parts department. perience will help but not necessars Apply in. person -only. Columbia Nor tor Company, Center st.

between 12 a. m. 023-3 WANTED--Watches, clocks to pair. All work done by former watch making instructor. Free estimates, isfaction guaranteed.

Lowest pri Leonard's Watch Shop, 244 East Bloomsburg. 019-60 WANTED Woman to sell Hygiene Powder. Household necessity, Full part time. Write Drexel Laboratories Box 148, Drexel Hill, Pa. 023-3 WANTED Women, do you neel money to help the family budget Two or three hours a day will bring you a good income showing Avon beautiful Christmas gifts.

Write call Miss Rosetta Smith, 555 Hepburn street, Milton, Phone 890-M. 024-61 WANTED--Young, handy man Edgewood. Room and board, plus sal ary. 024-21 AUTOMOTIVE WANTED--Good used cars. Higher cash paid 1940-1950.

All models mus be clean. Come in and sell your ca for high cash. Open 8 a. m. to 8 p.

Phone 2280, Bloomsburg Lincoln- Men cury, New Berwick Highway. J12-4 FOR SALE--Six cylinder, Oldsmobile door sedan. New tires. Plenty net accessories. 1421 Market street, Bed wick, Pa.

021-31 FOR SALE-1948 Hudson 4-door dan. Also Ford V8 sedan. 29 inch, net kitchen sink, large Majestic radio 150 North Third street, Catawissa. 021-3t. FOR SALE-1949 Plymouth 2.

door 1948 Chevrolet Aero; 1941 Dodge 1937 Chevrolet 2 door. Watts Gear hart, just beyond the iron bridge Millville road. Phone 2376. 019-1 FOR SALE-1937 Studebaker sedan Good running condition. Cheap quick buyer.

532 Berwick road. 021-4 FOR SALE-1949 Mercury, 6-passen ger coupe, fully equipped. New tire Phone Benton 3284. 023-1 FOR SALE-1949 Ford tractor cultivators, like new. Edsel Hess, Ben ton R.

1. 024-2 FOR SALE-'36 Deluxe, dod Plymouth. New motor, radio, heater spot light, oil filter. 562 W. Thin street.

Phone 2236-J. Call after 4 p. 024-3t. FOR SALE -Pontiac coach, god tires, new battery, will sell cheap. W.

Wright, E. 3rd street, Bloomsburg 024-3t FOR SALE 1937 Chevrolet coup Motor recently overhauled. Origin paint, radio and heater. $200. Richard Tranor on road between Ben dertown and- Cambra.

021-6 FOR SALE James F. Hummer Millville, Pa. Two D. 40 Intern tional trucks. tags.

0241 FOR SALE-6 ton Studebaker stal body truck, heater, over drive 1949 le than 10,000 miles. Perfect condition Phone 2141 Huntington Mills, Pa. 024-2t. FOR SALE- -Plymouth coupe, god paint, rumble seat, 5 wheels and tire nydraulic shocks and brakes, wine shield wiper, defroster, heater. 56,0 miles on speedometer.

Come see demonstration. $250. Herman Lute second house east of Cambra. odist church. Q24-1 FOR SALE--At reduced prices, 1950 Chevrolet Styleline Tudor sedi 1947 Plymouth club convertible.

over $400 worth of extras. 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner 4 door dan. One owner, Just as clean as ne 36,000 original mileage. 1940 Oldsmobile 6 cylinder, da sedan. An excellent, clean and O.

One owner. 1936 Chevrolet Town sedan. and 1933 sharp. Chevrolet See this sedan. car Runs today.

and 1 loo good. Good rubber and brakes. $49 price. Handle the Best for Less is our me to. Cash, Trades, Terms.

We finan through local banks and save money. Jay Landon's, by Log Cabin Garal Danville road. 024- Professional Card Dr. N. F.

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The Morning Press from Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.